NECA-IBEW Electricians is proud to support the 2014 Game of Hope, a charity basketball game featuring teams comprised of local community leaders, and help raise funds for The Hope Foundation of the Mahoning Valley.

NECA-IBEW Electricians supports many worthy community initiatives, including the Hope Foundation Game of Hope charity basketball game.
NECA-IBEW Electricians made a cash donation and Chris Jaskiewicz, president of member contractor VEC Inc., is among the players involved.
“Giving back to the community is a tenet of union electrical contractors and electrical workers, and the opportunity to help children-in-need through the Hope Foundation was an important one we quickly agreed to participate in,” said Jim Burgham, business manager for IBEW Local 64 (Youngstown).
The game takes place at 4 p.m., Saturday, Feb. 22 at YSU’s Beeghly Center.
The Hope Foundation provides grants and other services to support local charities who share its goal of improving the lives of chronically/terminally ill children, and the Game of Hope basketball event is its signature event, having raised more than $75,000 since 2005.