electrician installing an outlet

Do it yourself or hire an electrician?

Two big priorities need to stand out when it comes to electrical work in your home: safety and adhering to code. Taking on DIY projects that you’re not properly trained to perform can lead to disasters ranging from injury … to excessive costs … to devaluing your home.

“Many homeowners face the question of whether to do it themselves or hire a residential electrician. Though some tasks around the house are easy enough to tackle without professional help, doing your own electrical work typically isn’t among them,” said Mark Richmond, manager, Residential Services, “Joe” Dickey Electric. “Hiring a licensed and insured electrician is the surest way to getting the job done right … and safely.”

electrician installing an outlet

When weighing the options of DIY versus hiring a professional residential electrician, safety and adherence to code should be top priorities.

When considering whether to take on a DIY project or consult the experts, here is some advice to consider courtesy of NECA-IBEW Electricians of the Mahoning Valley.

Know your limits when it comes to electrical work around the house

Knowing what safety precautions to take (and when) is essential. Fundamental things like wearing safety glasses and protective gloves to prevent injury goes a long way. Having the proper toolkit including voltage testers, screwdrivers, wire cutters, etc. is also recommended.

If you’re not comfortable working with electricity, hire an electrician

If you feel unsure or uncomfortable working with electricity, leave the job to the professionals. Even basic projects like wiring light fixtures can be dangerous, and there’s always a risk for injury. Electricians will ensure safety and conformance to code.

Don’t risk overloading your service  

Knowing the demand of electrical volume is essential. If you don’t understand the service capacity, the system could be overloaded by the improvements you’re considering. This can lead to an unsafe environment and cause long term damage down the road. A qualified residential electrician can advise you on what your home’s electrical service needs are.

Professional electrical work will reflect in higher resale value of your home

It’s a good investment to have a professional electrician do the work on your home. They’re properly trained to take care of repairs and upgrades to code standards, and their work listed on a home inspection report gives potential buyers confidence in the property when it comes time to sell.

There are a lot of moving pieces when it comes to deciding whether to hire a professional contractor. However, doing so can save a lot of time, money, as well as give you peace of mind in the future.

NECA-IBEW Electricians is an association of reliable residential and commercial electrical contractors in the Mahoning Valley, and union electricians from IBEW Local 64 in Youngstown and IBEW Local 573 in Warren.