Member contractor Gulu Electric was selected last August by the Western Reserve Port Authority to assist in dividing power service among the buildings at the new Mahoning Valley Campus of Care, including the two buildings that will be occupied by Boundless, a national organization that provides skills training for special needs clients.

Gulu Electric was especially proud of the work it did and the meaning behind it at the Campus of Care project in Austintown. Pictured left to right are Kathi Gulu, Dave Sincich and Jim Alfano.
A Teaching Moment
The project has consisted of some “light” remodeling. Local 64 IBEW electrician and Gulu Electric employee Dave Sincich has been onsite handling the day-to-day work with the help of several apprentices from the YJATC Training Center, providing a learning experience for future IBEW journeymen.
“We’ve worked on adding in and changing out some exit lights, adding new lighting, changing out lamps, and other minor adjustments,” Sincich said.
Building Lasting Relationships
Gulu Electric has forged a good working relationship with general contractor, Declan Construction.
“We’ve worked really well with Declan. We’ve created a bond over this project and hope to do more with them in the future,” said Jim Alfano, Gulu Electric project manager.
The Campus of Care project is a small job for Gulu in scope, but big in heart.
“The Port Authority has been great to work with and it’s been nice to see everyone pitch in to help make this a successful project,” Alfano added. “Every project is special, but to be a part of something that could change a person’s life takes it to whole new level.”

Boundless special needs clients will love the new space at the Campus of Care that Gulu Electric helped remodel with the help of some Youngstown JATC apprentices.
Doing Good for The Valley
Owner Kathi Gulu said most of the local contractor’s work is done out of town, but having the opportunity to give back to their home community by working on a facility that has the potential to help so many is core to their vision and values as a company.
“I hope to come back once it’s finished to see everything in action and know we helped contribute to a facility doing so much good for the Valley,” she said.
Campus of Care, located at the site of the former Youngstown Development Center on East County Line Road in Austintown, will offer services from county and nonprofit agencies to seniors, youth, veterans, and those with mental, physical and developmental disabilities.
Some of the agencies operating at the Campus of Care are Head Start, Compass Family and Community Services, Alta Behavioral Health, Easter Seals, Meridian Healthcare, Cadence Care Network, Potential Development, Flying High Inc. and Boundless.