Tag Archives: neca

Gulu employees standing in Boundless

Gulu Electric helps light the way for Campus of Care renovations

Member contractor Gulu Electric was selected last August by the Western Reserve Port Authority to assist in dividing power service among the buildings at the new Mahoning Valley Campus of Care, including the two buildings that will be occupied by Boundless, a national organization that provides skills training for special needs clients. A Teaching Moment […]

See where “electrician” falls in the Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs Without a College Degree list

Graduating high school is an exciting time. The cap and gown, the graduation parties, summer, and then it’s off to adulthood! While an estimated 63% of Ohio high school seniors will move on to college and a four-year program, only 31% will make it across the stage to collect their diploma. An increasing number of […]

MG Electric electricians looking over blueprints

MG Electric gets hands-on at OH WOW! renovation downtown

What does the renovation and rewiring of a Youngstown treasure like OH WOW! entail? For MG Electric Project Manager Michael Johnston it involves “a lot of patience and a lot of planning.” The two-phased project consists of a complete renovation of the first floor which will relocate the entrance from Federal Plaza to Central Square […]

Grunau Brings Niche Fire Safety Skills to Locals Across Eastern US

Grunau Company of Youngstown, a mechanical systems and fire protection contractor, is in the process of building a mobile fire safety training trailer to expand the education of IBEW electricians who service fire protection systems. The state-of-the-art trailer will travel to training centers from New England to Mississippi, providing a hands-on training experience for electricians […]

Dickey Electric upgrades local hospital’s emergency power grid

Mercy Health – St. Elizabeth Youngstown Hospital has been in the process of updating its power grid with the help of local electrical contractor “Joe” Dickey Electric. The project began in January 2020 with the goal of modernizing the emergency power system to ensure power continues to flow to crucial life-saving equipment in the event […]

Rod Cushman

LMCC, IBEW Local 64 support one of their own in cancer battle

In late summer of 2020, Rod Cushman, co-owner of Liberty Electric, was blind-sided when a trip to the dentist for what he thought was an impacted tooth turned into CAT Scans, PET Scans, ultrasounds and ultimately a diagnosis of an aggressive cancer of unknown origin. Several weeks later, Rod found himself in Cleveland Clinic for […]

LMCC scholarship graphic

Application period opens for Mahoning Valley LMCC Scholarship

Applications are being accepted for the NECA-IBEW Electricians’ LMCC Scholarship through May 1 through the YSU Foundation. YSU students who have an affiliation with IBEW Local 64 or a signatory electrical contractor in the Mahoning Valley are welcome to apply online here. Preference is given to students pursuing degrees that benefit the electrical industry. “The […]

History of safety and compliance paves way for strong year by electricians

(Portions of the following first appeared in the Business Journal Growth Report 2021) NECA-IBEW Electricians, an association of IBEW union locals in Youngstown and Warren and signatory electrical contractors in the Mahoning Valley, leveraged their workplace safety track record to ride a strong year despite the obvious hurdles put up by the pandemic. “We adapted […]

rescue mission jobsite

Job satisfaction x10; Rescue Mission takes shape with Dickey Electric on board

Part of the attractiveness of the building trades profession is the sense of pride you get from bringing blueprints to life and actually creating something tangible. Take a drive around town with an electrician and watch them beam when you pass a building they had a hand in constructing. Then multiply that emotion by 10 […]

Dan Santon raising flag

Santon Electric dedicates memorial to pandemic heroes, veterans, safety forces

It started out innocently enough three years ago as a patriotic gesture to add a flagpole to a highly trafficked corner of his Boardman business’ property. But after the pandemic hit, Dan Santon set his sights on grander plans. “When COVID-19 hit I felt it needed to be more than that,” the longtime owner of […]