Tag Archives: wiring

Nate Castle, IBEW Local 573, explains conduit bending to students at the MVST Expo in Canfield.

Skilled Trades Expo offers glimpse into electrical trade

The idea of the Mahoning Valley Skilled Trades Expo is to have students get their hands dirty and find a potential career path they wouldn’t have otherwise considered. Nearly 5,000 students flocked to the new event center at the Canfield Fairgrounds between September 20 and 21. This was the fourth year for the event. There […]

Coates Car Care on South Avenue in Boardman

University Electric is workin’ at the car wash, yeah

The final phase of construction on the state-of-the-art Coates Car Care on South Avenue in Boardman is nearly complete. The roof has been on for more than six months, and University Electric is steadily working to complete their portion of the project. “Electricians have the bulk of the work here. There’s not a single spot […]

Becdel Controls foreman Ryan Brant on second floor of wellness and recreation center.

Project Focus: Becdel Controls on the job at Warren wellness and recreation center

The steel outline of the new wellness and recreation center at Warren G. Harding High School can be seen towering between the school and Mollenkopf Stadium. Excitement in the community is building as contractors continue to pour hours of work into the construction. Architects with Phillips Sekanick say the idea for the center started coming […]