Tag Archives: IBEW Local 573

Electricians with Boo Squad, from Poland, donating Thanksgiving meals for families in-need.

Scary good work: Electricians back children-led mission to spread kindness

Dan Santon envisions a Boo Squad in every community where NECA and IBEW do business. Boo Squad is a Poland-based community service organization comprised of more than 50 kids from local school districts. Its biggest mission of the year is feeding families in-need at Thanksgiving. “It’s such a great thing for kids to see the […]

IBEW Local 573 apprentice showing students at Mahoning Valley Skilled Trades Expo how to bend conduit.

Plug into a powerful future as an apprentice electrician

There are a variety of pathways to a rewarding, well-paying career. A college degree is conventional, but it’s not for everyone. Some people enjoy hands-on learning, and a skilled trade like an apprentice electrician, is a route to a great living without incurring much debt. Starting in the electrical trade can be done right out […]

Nate Castle, IBEW Local 573, explains conduit bending to students at the MVST Expo in Canfield.

Skilled Trades Expo offers glimpse into electrical trade

The idea of the Mahoning Valley Skilled Trades Expo is to have students get their hands dirty and find a potential career path they wouldn’t have otherwise considered. Nearly 5,000 students flocked to the new event center at the Canfield Fairgrounds between September 20 and 21. This was the fourth year for the event. There […]

New apprentice recruiting videos paint a first-hand picture of life as a union electrician

From making a good living to living a good life, the electrician apprenticeship program is as unique of a career opportunity as the individuals matriculating through it. That dual focus was the aim of a new series of videos launched by NECA-IBEW Electricians of the Mahoning Valley to appeal to apprentice candidates. Canfield’s 898 Marketing […]

Steve Boyce and Erin Pope, of Santon Electric, stand at Federal Place demolition project in downtown Youngstown

Santon Electric plays important role in Federal Place demolition

Electricians are needed for wiring new structures, upgrading and making repairs. However, there’s proof they’re an integral part of jobs like the 20 Federal Place demolition in downtown Youngstown. For the last few months, Santon Electric has been disconnecting and rerouting power at the building, and expects to be there until the end of 2023. […]

Becdel Controls foreman Ryan Brant on second floor of wellness and recreation center.

Project Focus: Becdel Controls on the job at Warren wellness and recreation center

The steel outline of the new wellness and recreation center at Warren G. Harding High School can be seen towering between the school and Mollenkopf Stadium. Excitement in the community is building as contractors continue to pour hours of work into the construction. Architects with Phillips Sekanick say the idea for the center started coming […]

Pinball machines floor shot showing electrical outlets

CR Electric goes full tilt on Girard retro pinball and video game arcade project

All generations of gamers can get their fill of nostalgia and fun at Past Times pinball and video arcade in Girard. It’s been open since June 1 and features about 600 machines. Some of them are nearly a century old while others are newly released. Past Times is in the former Santisi’s IGA building on […]

Electricians help school’s trap team target success

The Springfield Local Schools’ trap shooting team is aiming for greatness with support from the NECA-IBEW Electricians. The team’s second season is wrapping up on a high note. The sport involves shooting at fast-moving, clay targets in a designated field. IBEW Local 64 member Dan Donoghue is the head coach. He says the idea started […]

Greg DeMatteo Santon Electric project manager stands outside power boxes behind Gallagher Building

Santon Electric on the final stretch of work at Gallagher Building

For about two years, a transformation of history has been happening at the Gallagher Building in downtown Youngstown. It’s one of the oldest left in the city – dating back to 1904. The corner of North Hazel and Commerce Street has been a flurry of activity as GreenHeart Companies LLC renovated it into 41 apartments. […]